Building, Planning & Zoning
We’re here to help navigate the Town’s building laws and policies.
Building/Zoning Department
Staff can assist you with questions via email or phone.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518.794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694
Open office hours for the general public: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 am-noon.
Code Enforcement officer office hours: Tuesdays, 5pm-7:30pm or by appointment.
Who we are
Jeff Hattat
Code Enforcement Officer:
[email protected]
Cissy Hernandez
Land Use Administrator
Zoning Enforcement Officer
Deputy Code Enforcement Officer
Flood Plain Administrator
Phone: 518-794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694
Application Submission
Please note that some applications require specific questionnaire-type attachments please see the list in the right-hand column of this page. Hard Copies of all applications accompanied by the appropriate fees are required before a review may begin. The Building Department requires one Hard Copy of the application and related documents (such as narrative, the scope of work, insurance forms, manuals, etc.) as well as two sets of stamped hard copy plans (when stamped plans are required). One set of approved plans remains on file with the Department, while the second set is to remain available on-site at all time times until the project is completed. Digital files are accepted as ‘ease of use’ but can not be printed by the Town to serve as the hard copy submission.
Applications and fees can be placed into the dropbox at the entrance of the Town Hall during ‘off hours’ or mailed to the Town. The Building Department currently only accepts checks and cash (we discourage cash to be mailed or dropped into the dropbox). Checks are made payable to the Town of New Lebanon. The Towns Fee Schedule is linked in the right-hand column of the Building Department page or you may click on the Town’s Codes and Laws link on the top menu of the website to find it there as well.
Applications, Forms, & Fees
Building Dept. Application Instructions
Building Dept. Applications
New Commercial Tenant Form
NYS Unified Solar Permit Application
Special Events License (CEO)
Complaint Process & Form
Driveway Questionnaire
Home Occupations Questionnaire
Re-Roofing Questionnaire
Tents in excess of 400sf Questionnaire
Checklist for Removing and Disposal of Underground Tanks
Town Fee Schedule 2/8/2022
Subdivision Regulations
Zoning Map (pdf)
Adopted April 9, 2024 – Zoning District & Overlay pdf
Columbia County Property Data
(Assessments), Aerial/GIS maps/Tax Maps/Flood Plain & Wetland Overlays:
Regulations and Codes
New York State Stretch Code, Adopted 2022
Asbestos Survey: When are they required?
Carbon Monoxide (Residential)
Carbon Monoxide (Commercial)
Decks: Helpful info regarding wood decks
Manufactured Home Regulations
Sign Permits
Pool & Hot Tub Requirements
Electrical Info: Pool & Hotubs
Smoke Alarms
Thinking of Starting a Business?
Zoning Ordinance
Signs are regulated by Chapter 205 Zoning; section 17 – Signs and Posters
Chapter 205 Zoning can be found here:
A Zoning Permit is required for signs. Please complete the Step 1 Zoning Review Verification Application found at the Building Department Application Link at the top right of this page.
With the application please include:
- A photograph/sketch/rendering of the sign with dimensions
- A brief narrative explaining if the sign is affixed to the building and/or free-standing and if pre-existing sign framework will be used to install the new sign.
- If the framework for a free-standing sign is brand new (not pre-existing) a plot plan (sketch of the location with distance measurements) may also be required.
Please see the Town’s fee schedule for Zoning Permit Fees. Checks are made payable to the Town of New Lebanon. Please see the main Building Department page for instructions on how to drop off or mail-in hard copy applications and fees.
Approved Electrical Inspectors
Need of a 911 address? Visit:
Columbia County 911 Dispatchers Benevolent Association
Town Clean-up Day FAQ
Building Dept. News & Safety Tips
Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips
Climate & Geographic Design Criteria
ALL applicants (Homeowners, General Contractors, Out of State Contractors, etc.) must provide a Workers’ Compensation Form. If you are uncertain which form is applicable please contact the building department.
Zoning Rewrite Committee
See committees page
Planning Board
Planning board applications and supplemental information need to be submitted to the Planning/Zoning Clerk TEN BUSINESS DAYS prior to the meeting date. Email: [email protected]
Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 7:00pm, at Town Hall
To watch the live stream click link here
Open office hours: Thursdays 9-11am
Next meeting: October 16, 2024
Agenda: 2024-10-16-PB-agenda
See “Cases under review” for supporting documents of Meetings
Cases under review
Postponed Applications
Open Applications Postponed:
Who we are / Contact
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518-794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694
Elizabeth Brutsch, Chair
Jim Carroll
Greg Hanna
Steve Muse
Becky Segal
Monte Wasch
Joshua Young
Forms & applications
Site Plan Review Guidelines (205-14)
Subdivision Regulations (Chapter 179)
All public hearings require that abutting property owners be notified BY THE APPLICANT within ten (10) days prior to the scheduled public hearing date. The radius of property owners will vary from 100 to 300 feet depending on the project. Click here to view a sample abutter notification letter containing the proper legal details.
Application Fees
There will be an additional $25.00 reimbursement fee for any public hearing newspaper notifications.
Site Plan Review: $50.00
Special permits: $50.00
Minor Subdivision: $100.00 application fee plus 50.00 per lot.
Major Subdivision: $500.00 application fee plus 100.00 per lot.
Lot Line Adjustment/Merger: $100.00 application fee
Complete fee schedule: pdf
Planning Board Minutes
April 17, 2024 Meeting
PB 2024-002_LLA_Hoctor
PB 2023-012_SP_Keller
Prior to 2024, click here
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
Next meeting: not yet scheduled
Supporting documents:
ZBA members / Contact
Phone: 518-794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694
Email: [email protected]
Tony Murad, Chair
Chuck Geraldi
Meghan Knoll
Sharon Powers
Ted Salem
ZBA Forms & Applications
ZBA Procedures
ZBA application and instructions
All public hearings require that abutting property owners be notified BY THE APPLICANT within ten (10) days prior to the scheduled public hearing date. The radius of property owners will vary from 100 to 300 feet depending on the project. Click here to view a sample abutter notification letter containing the proper legal details.
ZBA Mission
The Zoning Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial five-member board. New York State regulations require communities to have a Zoning Board of Appeals to review requests for relief from existing regulations for changes in density and uses not permitted by current zoning (Use Variances); dimensional relief from existing regulation relating to building setbacks, building heights, allowed signage, etcetera (Area Variances); and interpretation of the regulations in the zoning ordinance made by the Town’s Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer (Interpretations). The Zoning Board of Appeals can review the applications of a person who has applied to the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer for a building permit and such permit was denied. An “aggrieved” citizen can also appeal the decision of the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer where a permit was granted. In both cases, the ZBA is the first level of appeal from the decision of the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer. The applicant must file its Notice of Appeal with the ZBA within 60 days after the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer has filed his decision or action.
ZBA Agendas and Documents
Agenda: 2020-04-02-ZBA-agenda
Supporting documents: M. Trainor – Appeal on ZEO Det. 04.02.24
ZBA Minutes
2024 Minutes
2024-10-01-ZBA Public-Hearing-mins-Lynne-Soldato
2023 Minutes
01.03.2023 No meeting
02.07.2023 No meeting
03.07.2023 No meeting
04.04.2023 No meeting
2023-06-06-ZBA Regular Meeting minutes
Click here for minutes prior to 2023