Town Boards & Committees


New Lebanon Town Board

Consisting of four elected Council Members and the Town Supervisor. Determines and interprets Town policies. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at New Lebanon Town Hall.

See Town Government.

Ethics Board

The Ethics Board meets to determine the appropriate response to Ethics complaints brought to the Town. Meets the 3rd Monday of each month, as necessary, at 12:00pm at Town Hall.

Ethics Board Mission

The Board of Ethics is an advisory board comprised of five members, a majority of such members are persons other than Town officers or employees, but at least one member is an appointed Town officer or employee. Upon the written request of any Town officer or employee, the Board of Ethics may render a written advisory opinion with respect to the interpretation or application of the Town of New Lebanon’s Code of Ethics or of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law. Any other person may similarly request an advisory opinion but only with respect to whether his own action might violate a provision of the Town’s Code of Ethics or Article 18. The opinions of the Board of Ethics are advisory, and in no event shall the identity of the Town officer or employee be disclosed.


Code of Ethics

The Town of New Lebanon is is committed to enhancing public confidence in local government. The Code of Ethics of the Town of New Lebanon is available for your review by clicking here.

If you feel there has been a violation of this code, you may file a complaint by sending a letter to:
Ethics Board Chairperson
P.O. Box 328,
New Lebanon, NY 12125


Ethics Board members
Tom Gerety, Chair –
Rochelle DiRe –
Monte Wasch – (until 12-31-2024)
Joanna Ezinga –
Ben Steffans –
William Shannon – (email to come)


Planning Board

Reviews and makes determinations on applications for subdivisions of land, site plan review, and most special use permits. Meets the third Wednesday of each month, as necessary, at 7:00pm.
See Building page.

Board of Assessment Review


Board of Assessment Review Members

Robert Weber
Sharon Moon
Gregg Carroll

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)

Determines fairness in zoning decisions. Meets 1st Tuesday of month at 7pm when necessary.

See Building page.

New Lebanon could not function without the able assistance of its many volunteer committees. New to Town or just wanting a change? Consider joining a committee – we could always use your assistance!


All Town committee meetings are open to the public.

Business & Economic Development Committee (BEDC)

Meets the 1st Monday of each month at 6:30pm, at New Lebanon Town Hall.


This committee is tasked at encouraging business development and growth, supporting existing businesses to be successful, and promoting tourism and economic development throughout the town.

BEDC Members

Josh Young, Chair
Craig Skerkis, TB Liaison
Silke Fuchshofen
Chuck Geraldi
Rae Gilson

Deborah Gordon
Chris Jansson
Danielle Kuffel
Eileen Raab

Becky Segal
Monte Wasch (until 12-31-2024)

Climate Smart Committee (CSC)

Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 5:00pm at New Lebanon Town Hall. 

More info: see CSC page

Outreach & Marketing Committee (O & M)

Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:00am, at New Lebanon Town Hall. NOTE: Meetings on temporary pause starting January, 2025.

O & M Members

Tistrya Houghtling, Chair
Sharon Powers, Minutes Taker
Erminia Rasmussen

O & M Meeting Minutes


For minutes prior to the current year, check out the Committee Archives – link

Quality of Life Committee (Q of L)

Works on issues such as housing, health care access, and other potential issues that affect the quality of life in New Lebanon. Meets the 4th Friday of the month at 9:30am at the New Lebanon Town Hall. NOTE: Meetings on temporary pause starting January, 2025.


The Quality of Life Committee was created in February of 2022 with the intent to work on issues such as housing, health care access, community center and other potential issues that affect the quality of life in New Lebanon.

For more information, read the Quality of Life Comp Plan Task: pdf

Q of L Members

Tistrya Houghtling, Chair
Sharon Powers, Minutes Taker
Josh Young
Kyle Kuffel
Danielle Kuffel
Melba Kurman

Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)

Meets the 2nd Monday of the month from 5:00-6:30pm at the New Lebanon Town Hall.

All meetings are open to the public.


Mission statement:

The mission of the Town of New Lebanon Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is to gather and disseminate information, conduct research, and advise town agencies on matters related to the conservation of natural resources within the town. The CAC considers issues of air quality, surface water and groundwater quality and quantity, soils, plants, wildlife, and habitats of conservation concern.  As well, the CAC addresses other issues bearing on the integrity of ecosystems and sustainable uses of the natural resources that support the health and well-being of the community.

The CAC’s role in policy-making and environmental reviews is advisory only. The CAC takes a science-based approach to questions related to natural resource conservation, provides information as needed, and proposes solutions and alternatives that aim to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts on sensitive resources.

The CAC’s basic tasks are to: 1) assist the Planning Board in reviews of land use proposals, as well as use of existing commercial properties within the town; 2) advise the Zoning Board of Appeals, as necessary, on decisions affecting land use; 3) gather and provide natural resource information to town agencies, land use applicants, and the general public; 4) update as needed the Natural Resource Conservation Plan for the Town of New Lebanon (2017) and Open Space Inventory (2014); and 5) provide recommendations for local policies, procedures, and legislation related to natural resource uses and conservation.  In this regard, the CAC advises the Town Board.

The CAC meets once monthly. Its members also serve on various town committees, including the Zoning Rewrite Committee, the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee, and the Climate Smart Community Task Force. CAC members regularly attend monthly Town Board meetings, special meetings, budget hearings, and public hearings. In addition, the CAC occasionally offers public programs on environmental issues which affect, or are of interest to, the community.                                                                                                                                                       Adopted 06.08.2020

CAC Members

Peg Munves, Co-Chair
William O’Neill, Co-Chair

Bob Gilson
Steve Powers
Donald Lamonaca
Bruce Shenker

CAC Meeting Minutes


For minutes prior to the current year, check out the Committee Archives – link

CAC Resources

A Sample of Websites and Publications to help Landowners and Towns Conserve High Quality and Connected Habitats

Hudson Valley Natural Resource Mapper  – Interactive online map sharing habitat and water resource data in the Hudson River Estuary watershed.

Conservation Guides – Web-based animal, plant, and ecological community guides developed by the NY Natural Heritage Program.  Each guide includes description, habitat, distribution, places to see, and conservation and management issues.

Forestry Habitat Management Guidelines for Vernal Pool Wildlife (Handbook) – Describes the basic ecology of the temporary woodland pools that are important for forest wildlife as well as guidelines for forest and vernal pool habitat management and harvest operations

Audubon New York Bird Habitat Management Guidance – Web guidance on managing for forest, young forest.  For Bird Habitat Management Decision Tree [PDF version] please contact

Stream Stewardship: Riparian Buffers – Various websites are available with stream management guidelines for landowners, including:  The Catskill Streams Initiative as well as Cornell Cooperative Extension Stand by Your Stream brochure series.

Staying Connected Initiative – An international collaboration to conserve, restore, and enhance landscape connectivity across the Northern Appalachian region of the U.S. and Canada for the benefit of nature and people.  Website includes many resources for landowners and towns.

Cornell Forest Connect – Information and resources for ensuring sustainable production and function on private forest lands.

Rensselaer Plateau Region Conservation Plan and Ecological Maps – Access multiple tools for landowners, municipalities, and GIS data available through

 Private Landowner Stewardship Assistance

Drinking Water in New Lebanon

This plan has been adopted by the Town Board since July, 2024 approval by the NYS DEC.
Please Click here to view the DWSP2 Plan Update (9/2024)

WELL OWNER’S HANDBOOK: A consumer’s Guide to Wells in Minnesota:
(This manual also includes a useful chart on remediation.)  Please click here to view handbook

February 10, 2024, water presentation at the New Lebanon Library:

Video of the Shaker Swamp

The Shaker Swamp Conservancy has released an overhead video of our Shaker Swamp here in New Lebanon.  The video was created by Merrill Ross and his drone.  You can watch it by  clicking here.

Recreation Commission

The Recreation Commission establishes, equips, operates and maintains playground and community programs and facilities. Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month as needed at 6:30pm.


The Recreation Commission is vested with the authority to establish, equip, operate and maintain playground and community programs and facilities.  They help organize and coordinate community events such as Music in the Park and the Community Picnic.

Recreation Commission Members

Abbie Shoobs, Chair,

Joanne Amlaw
Joanna Ezinga
Kim Favre
Joe Ogilvie
Shantel Schonour
Susan Tipograph

Rec Commission Meeting Minutes


For minutes prior to the current year, check out the Committee Archives – link

Doug Banker Music in the Park

Organizations and individuals are invited to set up a table to inform people about their goods and services.  Please – no political booths.  The person or organization is responsible for bringing a table and rain/sun protection – we only provide a patch of grass.  Contact Abbie Shoobs (see below) to register.

Anyone may be a sponsor of the Doug Banker Music in the Park events.  Donation of funds are used to help pay the performers.  In-kind donations such as soft drinks, water, etc. will also be accepted.  Sponsors will be noted on the Facebook page and in other publicity (unless they request to be anonymous).

Volunteers on the day of the concerts are needed to help set up the pavilion.   Contact Abbie Shoobs at 518-794-6161 or mail to: for details or to sign up.

Facebook users should like and follow our page at for all of the latest information.

Shaker Preservation Committee (SPC)

Works to preserve and protect Shaker properties in New Lebanon.


The committee’s role is to protect locally designated historic districts and landmarks, act as a resource for owners of historic properties, approve projects proposed by owners who wish to change the exterior of their properties or build a new structure, and to ensure modifications are made in a historically sensitive manner.

SPC Members

Josh Young, Chair
Rae Gilson, Minutes Taker
John Dax
Winfried Fuchshofen
Deborah Gordon
Merrill Hesch
Melba Kurman
Stephen Pause
Sharon Powers
Carol Reichert
Andy Vadnais
Mark Walcroft
Monte Wasch (until 12-31-2024)

SPC Meeting Minutes

July 21, 2022 – pdf

Zoning Re-Write Committee (ZRC)

The committee recommends zoning changes to the Town Board, based on the needs of the community. Meets 3rd Monday of the month, bi-monthly, beginning January 20, 2025, at 7:00pm at the New Lebanon Town Hall.


The Zoning Re-Write Committee (ZRC), re-established by the Town Board in 2013, is responsible for identifying, researching, and recommending to the Town Board for adoption enhancements to the New Lebanon Zoning Code. The ZRC consists of representatives from the Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Conservation Advisory Commission.

ZRC Members

Ted Salem, Chair, and Zoning Board of Appeals
Elizabeth Kroboth,
 Town Board
Steve Powers,Town Board
Elizabeth Brutsch, Chair, Planning Board
Jim Carroll, Planning Board
Greg Hanna, Planning Board
Anthony Murad, Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals
Donald Lamonaca, CAC
William O’Neill, CAC

Playground Design Committee

A temporary committee to make recommendations for the new Playground at Shatford Park. Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 at Town Hall or in Town Hall kitchen.

Playground Design Committee Members

Paul McCreary, Town Engineer, Chair
Tistrya Houghtling, Town Supervisor, Minutes Taker

Stacey Breads
Beth LaGrange
Hannah DeLisle-Stall
Courtney Potter
Alia Muadin
Peter McCagg
Joanne Amlaw, Town Board Member

Non-voting Advisors:
Casey Lambert
Chris Ward


Hudson Valley Affordable Housing & Conservation Strategy

A temporary committee to create more affordable housing in New Lebanon by working with land preserved for conservation.

HVAHC Committee Members

Lenny Brown
Elizabeth Brutsch
Joanna Gallup
Tistrya Houghtling
Adelia Moore
Peg Munves
Ted Salem
Craig Skerkis
Josh Young

Frequently Asked Questions


Does every Town committee need members?

No, but it doesn’t hurt to ask! Some committees have limits on the number of people that can be on their committee, while others are open to all interested Town residents.


How would I go about joining a Town Committee?

Openings are advertised by the Town through its email, Facebook page, and newsletter. To join a committee, write to the Town Clerk with your interest.


How could I be the Chair of a Town committee?

Chairs are appointed for one year terms at the beginning of each year. If you are interested in being a Chair of a committee you are on, let the Town Clerk know.


How could I form a new Town committee?

Town Committees are formed by and report to the Town Board. If you are interested in forming a new committee, let the Town Board know, or better yet, come to a Town Board meeting and let the public know.