Town Government


How Can We Assist You?

Town Supervisor

The Supervisor is the chief administrative officer of the Town. Office hours are Tuesdays, 9-2, Thursdays 12-5 and by appointment.

Who I am / Contact

Tistrya Houghtling
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8889, FAX: 518-794-9694

Supervisor Responsibilites

The supervisor is the presiding officer at all meetings of the town board; a town legislator voting at town board meetings; town executive and administrator carrying out the decisions made by the town board; and town fiscal officer.  Additionally, the supervisor is a member of the Columbia County Board of Supervisors, the governing body of Columbia County.

Town Board

The Town Board usually meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm.
Meetings are  live streamed. To watch go to:
link or use the Meeting Recordings link from the main menu

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

2024 Town Board Meetings →
Links to meetings starting in 2020 are available from the sidebar at the above link.

If you would like to have the minutes of the Town Board Meetings and notices of special Town Board meetings and Public Hearings sent directly to your email address, email your request to [email protected] – your information will not be shared by requesting inclusion on this distribution list.

All meetings of the Town Board are open to the public. Please note, submission of any requests for inclusion on a town board agenda must be received in the Office of the Town Clerk no later than the close of business on the Wednesday immediately preceding the meeting. Any questions or concerns, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office.


Resolutions, Budget & Finance
Who we are / Contact

The following four members, plus the Town Supervisor, comprise the Town Board. 

Elizabeth Kroboth
email: [email protected]

Steve Powers
email: [email protected]

Craig Skerkis
email: [email protected]

Susan Tipograph
email: [email protected]

New Lebanon Laws, Policies & Fees

Click HERE to view the following:

Town Laws and codes
Town Policies
Proposed Legislation
Pending Legislation
Town Fee Schedule

New Lebanon Comprehensive Plan

For information on 2005 plan and the 2021 plan update: link

Town Board Responsibilities

The Town Board, comprised of the Town Supervisor and four Council Members, is the governing board of the town. Council Members are elected for four year terms. Some of the responsibilities of the town board include filling vacancies in town offices; providing for the hiring of such employees as necessary for conducting the town’s business; overseeing town operations; adopting budgets; fixing salaries of officers and employees; managing expenditures; establishing policies and procedures; enacting local legislation.

Town Clerk

The Town Clerk is your gateway to Town Services. Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9-5 and by appointment.


Stay safe and warm!

Services, including Licenses & Permits

Click here for TOWN CLERK SERVICES, which include the following:
FOIL Requests (Freedom of Information Law)
Pavilion Rental
Dog Licenses
Fish & Game Licenses
Vital Records
Handicapped Parking Permits
Garbage Bag & User Fee Tickets
Election information

Who we are / Contact

Marcie Robertson, Town Clerk
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8888, FAX: 518-794-9694

Harli Rigg, Deputy Town Clerk
email: [email protected]

Building, Planning & Zoning

 Tuesdays & Thursdays,
9am – noon.  CEO also available Tuesday, 5pm-7:30pm or by appointment.

More information available here 

Who we are / Contact

Jeff Hattat, Code Enforcement Officer (CEO)
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694

Cissy Hernandez, Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO)
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694

Samantha Long, Planning Board Clerk
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8884
FAX: 518-794-9694

Dog Control

Responsible for enforcing our local Dog Control Law.


Who I am / Contact

Maggie Simmons
email: [email protected]
phone: 838-280-0623


Click here for information on New York State’s Pet Dealer & Breeder Licensing Program

For more information on dog licensing and New York State requirements, click here:

click here for information on Bears

Highway Department

FAX: 518-794-9694

Who we are / Contact

Peter McCagg, Highway Superintendent
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8580, FAX: 518-794-9694



The Assessor does not determine tax rates or collect taxes. For information regarding TAXES please call the TAX COLLECTOR. You can view or print your tax bill by following this LINK.

See office hours in the Current Assessor Info tab, below.


A Town wide Reassessment has been conducted. Per Real Property Tax Law, the values are determined using MARKET data. The market has changed significantly since the last reassessment in 2019.

Prior to the new assessments, the State determined the New Lebanon assessments to be at 75% of full market value, based on last year’s assessments. The new Assessments are at 100% of Full Market Value.

 If you disagree with your new Assessment, please follow the instructions below for Grievance information and forms and Grievance day info.

Remember, you are basing the value on the Real Estate Market as of July 1st, 2023. Helpful links are provided below.

For your convenience, you can use this Sales Worksheet to assist you:


Please keep in mind, when all assessments are increased the Tax Rate itself will go down. No additional revenue is collected. The Assessor does not know how your assessment change will affect your individual tax bill.

Informal Review Process

 These reviews are provided as a courtesy. The timeline for informal review is limited, therefore, only qualified submissions will be reviewed. To qualify for an informal review, you must provide the following items.

  1. Both interior and exterior photos of home and any outbuildings.
  2. Your opinion of value with supporting documentation. Such as, 3 – 5 comparable sales, (list of sales – coming soon) or a Broker price opinion/comparative market analysis or appraisal using the Valuation Date of July 1, 2023.
  3. For convenience you can print an informal review sheet


For your convenience, you can use this Sales Worksheet to assist you:

Completed informal review paperwork can be mailed or dropped off at the Town Hall up until March 22. No forms will be accepted by email. Anyone submitting informal review paperwork will receive a new notice around May 1. 

Grievance Day Information

Grievance day will be held at the Town Hall, 14577 Route 22, New Lebanon between the hours of 1-4 and 5-8 on May 29, 2024

The Board of Assessment Review is a public meeting held  once a year in the Meeting room located in the New Lebanon Town Hall.

Complaint forms can be accepted up until the close of the meeting. However, to avoid an adjournment forms should be submitted 3 days prior to Grievance Day to allow time for the Assessor to review. Forms can be mailed, emailed or dropped off at the Town Hall.

How to file a complaint

Grievance Form

Is your Assessment Fair

Property Tax Publications

Residential Sales

Land Sales

Board of Assessment Review Members:
Robert Weber

Dale Ackley
Sharon Moon

Grievance Form and Instructions - must be filled out to file a complaint

Grievance Form
Sales Worksheet (not required, but provided for your convenience)

Complaint forms can be accepted up until the close of the meeting. You may appear in person but it is not required.

Mail or drop off two (2) copies of your forms at the Town Hall.

To avoid an adjournment, forms should be submitted 3 days prior to Grievance Day to allow time for the Assessor to review.

You must use a separate form for each parcel

You must state your determination of value (what you believe your assessment should be) on line 7.

Helpful hints

Provide supporting information that supports your determination of value.

  1. Provide photos
  2. Provide sales of similar properties, appraisal or Realtor Comparative Market analysis
  3. Do not discuss “tax implications” or “percentage increase”.
  4. Grievance complaints are to be based on your MARKET VALUE as of July 1, 2023.
  5. If you are not appearing in person, it is suggested that you include a cover letter with a summary of your complaint

IN PERSON NOTES –.  A copy of your form and documentation should be submitted at least 3 days prior to the meeting (May 23rd). The Assessor will need time to review and respond to Board of Assessment questions. Walk-ins that have not pre-submitted their information are subject to an adjournment. NO appointments.  First come first serve basis. 10 minutes per parcel



Who am I / Contact

Kimberly Smith
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8875
FAX: 518-794-9694

Fastest and easiest way to contact the assessor is via email.


RENEWALS are sent the first week in December.


NEW STAR applicants- you will no longer be able to receive STAR directly on the school tax bill.
Instead, it will come as a REBATE check. You will need to register with the Department of Taxation and Finance to receive the rebate. Please see Register for Star below.
Property owners without access to a computer can register by phone weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm (518-457-2036) or
Star Program

If you’ve recently bought your home or you’ve never applied for the STAR benefit on your current home, you may be able to save hundreds of dollars each year. You only need to register for the STAR credit once, and you’ll continue to receive the annual benefit as long as you’re eligible. Register Below!

Switching from the exemption to the credit? Register below! You may receive a greater benefit.


Enhanced Star Renewals

The Tax Department will annually review applicants’ income to determine their eligibility for the Enhanced STAR exemption. You do not need to reapply with the Assessor.  If additional information is needed, the department will contact the property owner directly.  For Enhanced Star questions call 518-457-2036.

Changing from Basic STAR to Enhanced STAR.  If you currently have Basic STAR on your tax bill and are turning 65 years old with an adjusted gross income of less than 93,200 you may be eligible for Enhanced STAR.  For this you WILL apply with the Assessor.  Please call 518-794-8875 to have these forms mailed to you.

Exemption Forms
  • Agricultural Assessment Exemption: RP-305 (new Ag),  RP-305-R (renewals) –
    • Soils Group Worksheets can be obtained at Columbia County Soil and Water District   (518) 828-4386 x 3
  • Low Income Disabled Exemption:RP-459-c (new applicants),  RP-459-C-Rnw (renewals)
    • This provides for an exemption in the amount of between 5% and 50% depending on Income.
    • The current Income Limit for the Town and County is between $34,000 for a 50% exemption and $42,399 for a 5% exemption.
    • Income includes all Social Security. All owners and their Spouses income is included. 
  • Low Income Senior Exemption: RP-467 (new applicants), RP-467-Rnw (for renewals)
    • This provides for an exemption in the amount of between 5% and 50% depending on Income.
    • The current Income Limit for the Town and County is between $34,000 for a 50% exemption and $42,399 for a 5% exemption.
      • Income includes all Social Security. All owners and their Spouses income is included. 
      • You MUST include a copy of your prior year Federal Tax Return. If you do not file a return you MUST fill out an Income Worksheet.
  •  Alternative Veteran’s Exemption: (RP-458-a
  • Cold War Veteran’s Exemption (RP-458-b)
  • Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance workers – (RP-466-a)
  • Non Profit Exemptions: See this Page of the Assessor’s Manual for details and a list of necessary forms for new applicants and for renewals.
  • Forest exemptions

For exemption renewals, applicants will be mailed or a renewal form around December 1st. If you do not receive a form by the end of December, please contact the A

Property Tax Collector

Hours by appointment only.

The Town does not collect School taxes, For information on paying school taxes, go to link and select the tab for School Tax Collection.

Who I am / Contact

Tax Collector

Tammie Darcy
email: [email protected]
phone: 518-794-8882
FAX: 518-794-9694



Tax Bills

Delinquent taxes can be paid to the Columbia County Treasurer’s office, you can contact them at (518) 828-0513.

Tax Bills can be viewed online at:

To view New Lebanon Central School District Tax Bills – click here.

To view Chatham Central School District Tax Bills – click here.

To view Berlin Central School District Tax Bills – click here.


Tax Rates – By Town


Town Court


Clerk’s Open hours:

Wednesdays: 4:00-7:00pm
Thursdays: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Court in Session Thursdays at 5:00pm

518-794-9456, Fax: 518-794-9693

Who we are / Contact

Court Clerk
Corinne Blacker
email: NewLebanonTownCourt@nycourts.govm
phone: 518-794-9456, FAX: 518-794-9693

Deputy Court Clerk
Darla Dobert

Town Justice
Barry Sack

Assistant District Attorney
Kyle Patzwhal

New Lebanon Justice Court
New Lebanon Town Hall
14755 NYS Route 22
New Lebanon, NY 12125

Mailing Address

New Lebanon Justice Court
PO Box 247
New Lebanon, NY 12125

Email address:



Certificates and Transcripts

Certificates & Transcripts
Certificate of Disposition ($5.00 fee)
(must be requested in writing, picked up personally, and ID is required.)

Transcripts of Judgments ($2.00 fee)

Frequently Asked Questions


Which department do I need to contact if I want to put a new structure on my property?

Contact the planning department for a permit.


Where and when can I pay my fines?

The Town Court accepts payments of fines during the Court Clerk’s hours: Tuesday-Wednesday, 9am-4pm, Thursday 11am-3pm, and Friday, 9am-12pm. 


Can I rent out the Shatford Park Pavilion and kitchen for a private function?

Yes! The Shatford Pavilion is available to rent for a nominal fee. To reserve a spot, contact the Town Clerk.


Is New Lebanon welcoming to new businesses?

Yes! Glad you asked. We want to make you welcome to New Lebanon. A packet for new businesses lists important things you’ll need to know and is available from the Town Supervisor.