New Lebanon Community Center

The Town of New Lebanon’s Community Center opened in December of 2023.  Featuring a game room with foosball, ping pong, or hockey and pool, a video game area and a cozy corner for watching DVDs and TV and reading and hanging with friends.  

Operating out of the old firehouse, at the corner of Route 20 and Shaker Road: 523 US Route 20.

The Community Center is now available for event rentals!

Click Here for details and calendar
Community Center


Click here to download the July, 2024, engineer’s inspection report on the former LVPA building.

Free Store

Free Store News

We will no longer be accepting donations at the Town Hall. Donations will only be accepted in person during the store’s open hours of operation. Please do not leave donations outside of the building when we are not open. We know it’s tempting and it may not seem like a big deal, but it is, so please don’t do it.

Please separate your clean, folded clothing items from your other donations such as toys and housewares.This helps our volunteers keep things orderly and makes us more efficient.

We are pausing donations of larger baby items such as high chairs and strollers and larger toys until the Spring when we can put them outside during our open hours. We do not have the space inside at the moment and we are sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

About the Free Store

The free store opened at the New Community Center in December of 2023, but it has been around since May of 2017.

The Free Store can be accessed when the Community Center is open – see hours under Community Center – to the left of this block.

Come check out all of the free clothing, footwear, children’s items and more! The free store is not just for families in need, but for everyone. It is a green initiative to keep things out of the landfill. Reduce, reuse, recycle!  Come check it out and get amazing things that are new to you completely free.

There are not very many rules, but the most important is that you are not allowed to sell any of the items that you get from the free store. We don’t accept books except for children’s books. And we don’t have space for larger furniture and household items.

Click event to enlarge poster

Free Store Update

We have some changes to announce. We will no longer be accepting donations at the Town Hall. Donations will only be accepted in person during the store's open hours of operation. Please do not leave donations outside of the building when we are not open. We know it's...

Community Center Event Rentals


Check to see if the date you request has already been booked before requesting it. The calendar is updated frequently but it is not updated automatically. Choosing a date does not guarantee its availability even if it is not marked unavailable.

A blue dot indicates that a period of time has been booked on that date. To see the actual times of the booking, click the date. Some dates may have a blue dot but only a limited time has been booked.

To scroll from month to month, select the arrows on either side of the displayed month. Clicking “View Calendar” will bring up the entire New Lebanon calendar.


Download interactive application and alcohol waiver: pdf

Blue Dot indicates full day or partial day booking. Click date to find out details.

Calendar of Events

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