Current Town Projects
We are always trying to enrich the lives of New Lebanon’s residents. Here are some of our current projects.
Walkable Downtown - updated 1/16/25
The Town is considering a project to slow down the traffic on 20/22 and make our downtown more friendly to safe walking and biking. There will be a special election on January 21, 2025, to determine whether or not the Town carries out this project and has the option of issuing a bond. Constructions would start in 2027.
A Public Information session was held on January 11, 2025, at the New Lebanon Community Center. You can see it at:
A Public Information session was held on December 30, 2024 at Town Hall. You can see it livestreamed at:
Some History:
We had a great first public input session on March 20, 2023. A huge thank you to Creighton Manning for leading the session and to all who took the time to attend or to watch online. If you could not make or watch the meeting live, please feel free to watch the meeting recording here: https://townhallstreams.
Please see here for the Power Point on the survey results of the public input session on a Walkable Downtown.
There was a second public input session held on June 5, 2023 at the New Lebanon Jr/Sr High school. There were about 70 residents who attended to voice their opinions and preferences for the Walkable Downtown options presented by Creighton Manning. If you could not attend the meeting live, please feel free to watch the meeting recording here:
You can also see the slideshow that was presented here.
FAQs on Walkable Downtown
Updated fact sheet: pdf
Power Point as pdf for Informational Meeting: pdf
1. Can details of the $2.5 million estimate be provided?
YES! See attached budget summary worksheet – pdf
2. Consider a connection from the High School to Shatford memorial Park?
This connection will be considered – a direct connection parallel to NYS Route 22 is approximately 1000 feet, and would cost approximately $400,000
3. Maintenance costs have been revised to include anticipated inflation on future costs. What are those?
Snow removal budget: $7k per year, path maintenance budget: $12.4k per year
4, Can I see a State DOT owned right of way map?
YES – see attached pdf
5. Can I see the cost estimates comparing stonedust ro asphalt and concrete?
YES – see attached pdf
New Lebanon Downtown Redesign from the New York Main Street Technical Assistance Grant
A New York Main Street Technical Assistance grant was awarded to New Lebanon to develop a downtown design guidelines. This document was created to outline best practices for creating attractive, thriving commercial spaces within the downtown of New Lebanon. To better illustrate the ideas and concepts within the Downtown Design Guide, several properties were selected to be studied as examples of the many principles and concepts within the document.
Shatford Park Master Plan
Public meeting to review the Master Park Plan designed by Barton and Loguidice was held on June 22, 2022. To view the master park plan, please visit the project website: