Food Truck Music Night

Shatford Memorial Park Route 22 North, New Lebanon, NY, United States

Featuring the high school band, Two-year Delay. Local food truck Notorious BITE will be selling food.

BEDC Business Owner, Manager & Director Meet & Greet at the Raceway

Lebanon Valley Raceway

The New Lebanon BEDC invites Business Owners, Managers and Directors to a meet and greet on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. This event will take place at The ClubHouse at Lebanon Valley Raceway, 1746 US Route 20, West Lebanon, NY

Corkscrew Rail Trail Walk

Behind the K Shack

Led by Joe Ogilvie. Meet at the Train Depot on Tilden road, behind the former K Shack